Thoughts from Thursday's Child

Thursday's Child has far to go

A purposeful heart in relationships … step 3

on October 7, 2014

I want to MAKE a difference.

I want to BE different.

If I won’t change then things won’t change.

The third relationship I wanted to focus on was being purposeful in my friendships.

I wrote this during the 30 days of Hustle when I realised I was not focused on building relationships in a way I should be.

God, give me strength to resist the games on Facebook, courage to step away from the computer and wisdom to make the moments in my day count.  Amen.

My heart doesn’t want to hide in the shadow of relationships but make a difference in the lives of others while making my own life richer.

I know a lot of people but I don’t KNOW the heart of the people I know. (Did you follow that?) I wanted to get to know them, not just as the mum of my children’s friends but as my friends.

My ‘if’ and ‘then’ decisions were:

If I don’t make time for others then I can’t expect my relationships to improve.

If I want deeper relationships with others then I need to be prepared to be open and vulnerable.

 If the person I want to get to know better isn’t interested in a more meaningful, deeper relationship with me, then I won’t take it personally or be offended. People come in and out of our lives all the time, I am a grown up and I can play nicely.

I determined in my heart to be diligent in spending focused time with those around me. I booked in dinner dates with other families, coffee chats with friends. I wrote notes, cards and letters and dropped them in mail boxes or posted them. I sent text messages and made phone calls to reconnect again. My biggest surprise was how people responded – the heart connection has mattered to them almost as much as it matters to me and that makes my heart glad and my life richer.

I will listen to my heart.


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